Benefits of Yoga Series

Expand the foundation of your yoga practice with our guides to different yoga styles, yoga terminology, philosophy, history, and much more.
Ashtanga Yoga Sequence

Ashtanga Yoga Sequence

Ashtanga Yoga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. The style of yoga is a flowing Vinyasa style and is based upon the Hatha yoga style developed by Varnana Rishi. Ashtanga is Sanskrit for eight limbs, which is in reference to the eight yoga limbs, found...

Hatha Yoga Sequence

Hatha Yoga Sequence

What Yoga Series Are The Most Popular? HATHA YOGA SERIES Most forms of yoga in the West can be classified as Hatha Yoga. HATHA SIMPLY REFERS to the practice of physical yoga postures, meaning your Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Iyengar, Bikram, Yin etc classes are all Hatha Yoga....

ACE Personal Trainer Certification

ACE Personal Trainer Certification

YogaFX International Yoga Teacher Training Academy is thrilled to announce that our comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus has been approved and also certified by The American Council of Exercise, ACE personal trainer certification. ACE educates, certifies and...

RYS 200 Yoga Alliance

RYS 200 Yoga Alliance

The Importance of A Good Morning Routine on RYS 200 Yoga Alliance. MOST PEOPLE HAVE THEIR set morning routines. Some good, some not so good, some of these routines, of course, are not the best. And here we are for the excellent morning routine on RYS 200 Yoga...

RYT 200 Yoga Alliance

RYT 200 Yoga Alliance

Our RYT 200 Yoga Alliance mentors are highly regarded as International Yoga Teachers. They will guide you through every step of your training. We can build your yoga teaching foundation from RYT 200 Yoga Alliance. Furthermore, FROM THIS SOLID FOUNDATION, we can then...